Oral Submission: If you want to submit an oral contribution (10 min), please use the submission form online to send us your abstract - More Info
Costantino Agnesi (Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy) |
Simple and robust QKD system with Qubit4Sync temporal synchronization and the POGNAC polarization encoder
Mohamed Esmat (National Institute for Materials Science, Japan) |
Improved co-Catalyst-Free Solar Photocatalytic H2 Production Activity in Defective Anatase TiO2 Nanosheet Assembly
Luis Fonseca (IMB-CNM (CSIC), Spain) |
Harvestore and Epistore projects: bridging materials and silicon technologies for micro-energy or portable energy applications
Nerea González Pato (Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC), Spain) |
Reversible Switching of the Au (111) Work Function by Near Infrared Irradiation with a Bistable SAM Based on a Radical Donor-Acceptor Dyad
Arántzazu González-Campo (Institut de Ciencia de Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC), Spain) |
Neurotransmitter’s encapsulation on Bipyridinium-functionalized polysilicon microparticles by supramolecular interactions
Hiroaki Hayashi (NIMS, Japan) |
The Magnetic Properties of S = 21/2 Frustrated Ferromagnetic Trimer Gd3Os4Al12
David Hernández Pinilla (International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (MANA), NIMS, Japan) |
Spectral tunability of the absorption resonance of DBR-based infrared thermal emitters
Bárbara Lisboa (ICN2, Spain) |
Graphene Nanostructures Integration in Nanophotonic Biosensors
Wataru Namiki (National Institute for Materials Science, Japan) |
Room-Temperature Manipulation of Magnetization Direction in Magnetite, Achieved with an All-solid-state Redox Transistor
Dorina T. Papanastasiou (Université Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Grenoble INP, LMGP, France) |
Efficient and stable transparent electrodes based on silver nanowire networks: experimental and simulation approaches.
Aniket Rath (University Grenoble Alpes, LPMMC, France) |
Importance sampling of randomized measurements for probing entanglement
Navid Salehi (UPC, Spain) |
Inverter Control Analysis in a Community Microgrid based on Droop Control Strategy
Sergueï Tchoumakov (Institut Néel, France) |
Guided accumulation of active particles by topological design of a second-order skin effect
María Tenorio (ICN2, Spain) |
New strategies towards atomically-sharp GNR-based heterojunctions
Pascal Tixador (Univ. Grenoble Alpes CNRS Grenoble-INP, France) |
Some results of the EC project FASTGRID
Fidel Toldra-Reig (Université Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Grenoble INP, LMGP, France) |
Spatial Atomic Layer Deposition: a Swiss knife for materials science
16/16 |
ePoster Submission: If you want to submit an ePoster (electronic poster contribution), please use the ePoster submission form online to send us your abstract - More Info |
ePoster size: A0 format (width: 841 mm x Height: 1189 mm) (Portrait) / PDF Format / Size < 5Mb. This file will be requested once the abstract submitted is approved. Organisers will send a special link to submit it. |
Important note: All ePosters approved will be available online in the website (abstract + ePoster) / An "ePoster session" will be organised during the conference to enhance networking and provide high-visibility to this type of contribution |
Barun Kumar Barman (National Institute for Materials Science, Japan) |
Multi-colored Emissive Carbon Dots for Generation of Pure White Light
Giovanni Pecci (Lpmmc , France) |
Probing the BCS-BEC crossover with persistent currents
Tran Phuoc Toan (NIMS, Japan) |
Uniaxially Oriented Refractory Nickel Aluminum Films Sputtered at High Temperatures
Muhammad Zafur Abror Rajabi (Hokkaido University, Japan) |
New Anomaly at Superconducting Instability inside a Magnetically Ordered Phase
Amit Vashisht (LPMMC, UGA and CNRS, France) |
Exciton-exciton interaction beyond the hydrogenic picture in a MoSe2 monolayer in the strong light-matter coupling regime
5/5 |
Instructions: The 5 minutes Flash Poster contribution consists of a 3 Power Point slides related with the presented ePoster. This presentation should be sent to Organisers 2 days before the online conference.
Limited number of "Flash Poster" slots will be available. All Flash Posters approved will be available online in the website (abstract + ePoster + Presentation) |